Matthew Mickey, NFPT, CPT

Performance Coach
3555 Kraft Rd., Ste 130 Naples, Florida 34105

Matt was a certified personal and professional trainer with more than 30 years’ experience in Naples. His passion for fitness had begun through the love he had for sports and through the development of his martial arts training. His approach to fitness had emphasized age-appropriate programming with a specific focus on cardiovascular and strength training in combination with balance and flexibility training.

Matt’s experience included working as a gym partner in Akron, Ohio, along with a tenure in the US Special Forces. Additionally, he had received specialized training in functional movement screening and was a specialist in cancer recovery and senior exercise.

He aimed to educate his clients, help them obtain positive behavior change, and create lifelong healthy habits and relationships. When he was not in the gym, he was at the beach or in his favorite place, Costa Rica. A fun fact about Matt was that he had art for scuba diving and had been all around the world!

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